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「米雅放送台」第十二集:「我該怎麼過河?」(River-Crossing Puzzle)https://youtu.be/afP5M-OrmC0
這個故事的原型來自於8世紀英國的修士、神學家阿爾昆( Alcuin of York, 735-804)的數學作品
《青年的益智題集( Propositions to Sharpen the Young)》。
Proposition of a wolf, a goat and a bunch of cabbages:
A man had to take a wolf, a goat and a bunch of cabbages across a river.
The only boat he could find could only take two of them at a time.
But he had been ordered to transfer all of these to the other side in good condition.
How could this be done?
A man had to take a wolf, a goat and a bunch of cabbages across a river.
The only boat he could find could only take two of them at a time.
But he had been ordered to transfer all of these to the other side in good condition.
How could this be done?
「米雅放送台」第十二集:「我該怎麼過河?」(River-Crossing Puzzle)
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